    Choices are made daily. From choosing to get out of bed in the morning to what we are going to wear to work, there are many choices we will contemplate throughout the day. At times we easily  dismiss the difficult choices or the choices that may involve extra effort. We rarely ever contemplate who or what our choices will affect, only until the adversity of our decision has met our stare with its own. 
    Every day America's service men and women make choices in hostile environments that will potentially endure outcomes that may or may not be favorable. Yet as we sit in our chairs to read this with our cup of coffee, the hardest choice we will make is do I want to continue to read or answer that text message that just buzzed my phone. We have a chance to give back to those service members who have been injured in combat. Take the extra minute and choose to click the link below and show your support for a soldier who has supported you. http://www.woundedwarriorproject.org/


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    In this weeks second assignment we begin to explore different sources of information that pertained to our non profit organization. As I began to read different articles and watch different videos it appeared to me that I didn't know as much as I thought I may have.
It is amazing just how much this organization actually does for our troops. After the research I have done on this cause, I feel that it has increased my awareness ten fold.

    To choose just one non profit organization to support, for me would be impossible. But choosing one to support, that weighs the heaviest on my mind is simple. The Wounded Warrior Project helps military combat veterans to adjust to life after injuries. By tailoring programs that coincide with the Wounded Warriors medical treatment plans, more needs than just physical rehabilitation are being met.  The greater the chance of psychological needs being me, the more successful reintegration back into routine life will be. 
    Having several friends who have been supported by the Wounded Warrior Project, has helped me believe in the effectiveness of the foundation. having volunteered myself, and really seeing the program at work and the appreciation it brings for the veteran, reaffirms the need for causes like this. There are a lot of foundations out there that support great causes, and that all deserve support. But what better way can you think to give back to some one that has given so much for you. (see reflection below)

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Picture~ My Ram Truck ~
                            RAM TRUCK

    There are many obvious reasons as to why Ram Truck was voted 2013 Motor Trend Truck of the year, 2013 North American Truck of the year, and 2013 Texas Truck of the year. But in case you need more to intrigue you, allow me to elaborate.  
    Everybody looks for something different when buying a new vehicle. Whether your looking for specific powertrain characteristics, fuel economy qualities, or safety features. Ram Trucks have what your looking for.
In my evaluation of the Ram trucks, I talk about how Ram has tailored their truck to meet more of the demands required by todays consumer market.  Along side of having a variety of trucks to choose from, Ram allows you the option to custom make your own truck by piecing together options you may find more suitable to your needs.  Are you excited every chance you get to drive your vehicle? You should be!
(Click Below for the full Evaluation)

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    Welcome to this weeks blog, where we will take a brief moment and take a look at an advertisement, that I selected for my college analysis paper.  As we look at this ad we will talk about the some of the appeals used by the author, to gain ones interest in this print.
    Nissan created a fairly simple scene for this advertisement, which allowed them to accomplish a couple different strategies. The first idea, lets get the audience alone with the vehicle. With a simple black backdrop, and a dim horizon, the first and only thing that pops out initially is the car itself. As they accomplish that goal with ease, two simple questions are then asked. WANT? NEED? But are they really that simple? When a flashy sports car sits in front of anybody, it sure is easy to think how cool it would be, to be behind the wheel.  Which tends to make it easier, when we are trying to make justifications about our purpose for the item. The longer you spend thinking about the ad, the more apt you are to make stronger considerations for the vehicle. Goal achieved! 
     While writing my complete analysis of this advertisement, I initially thought "Can I get enough out of this print to suffice the intent behind this assignment?" What I learned by taking the time to break down every aspect of this simple ad, is how much detail is actually put in to creating this type of advertisement. When combining forms of text with the image, you can change the whole meaning of the ad, or who its intended audience is; however, these are things that most people will never pay attention to until they are in the market of that individual product.  
    The next time you see an advertisement on TV or in a magazine take a deeper look at what you think the author is trying to say. It just might change the way you view ads permanently. Thank you for spending time with me today during todays discussion. Feel free add comments to express your opinion, and please continue to check back by for the next topic of discussion.